Keeping Children Safe is Everyone's Responsibility.
It is everybody's responsibility to make sure children and young people feel safe and cared for. It is important that you know who to speak to if you are concerned about ANY child in or out of school. Passing on information could help to safeguard young people and should not be seen as interfering.
Our safeguarding officer at Upperthong is the Head Teacher - Mrs Carolyn Littlewood. You can speak to her in confidence about any issues regarding the safety and well-being of children. In her absence the Deputy Safeguarding Lead in school is Mrs Kate Nussey and Mrs Marta Szwedek for Breakfast and After School Club..
For more urgent matters please see Kirklees Safeguarding Partnership- or the police on 999.
Please see our Safeguarding and related policies in the document list below in the Policies section of the website. Below are some key documents.
Working Together - a useful document about inter-agency working January 2021