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Teaching Staff at Upperthong J&I School

Carolyn Littlewood 2 (3)

Head Teacher - Mrs Carolyn Littlewood

I am Carolyn Littlewood and have been Headteacher at Upperthong since April 2008.   Prior to coming here I was deputy head at Moorlands, a large primary school in Huddersfield, for 5 years. Having taught in Kirklees for over 30 years at 7 very different schools I have a wealth of experience upon which to draw and many tales to tell!

I have 2 grown up children: one and accountantant and one now training to be a teacher. When I have some free time I enjoy reading, shopping and the occasional theatre visit.

I was born and raised in Huddersfield only venturing further afield for the 4 years I was at university. Although I have spent the vast majority of my life in the hills and vales of West Yorkshire I do enjoy holidays abroad, particularly those which enable me to explore and relax in the sunshine!



Reception Teacher - Miss Ellena Newton

Hi, my name is Ellena and I am currently the Reception teacher and music lead at Upperthong J and I school. I am in my second year of teaching having completed a PGCE in 2022. I was born in Oldham but have spent most of my years studying in Manchester. I am a trombone player and currently play solo trombone with the Brighouse and Rastrick brass band. This means most of my weekends are filled with concerts! I live in Linthwaite with my son Michael. We love to walk along the canal and spend lots of time with our friends and family.


Year 1 Teacher - Miss Danielle Baldwin

Hi, what can I say….. good things come in small packages! I love being a part of  the wonderful staff and pupils at Upperthong, putting all my skills and enthusiasm into practice. After time spent in Y5 and Y3, I am now the Y1 teacher.
 I am a home bird at heart but do enjoy the outdoor life and visiting new places both home and abroad. I have a Boxer called Lola and I enjoy taking her for long walks. I also enjoy camping and the outdoor life. 
All my life I have wanted to be a teacher and I'm proud to be realising my dream at Upperthong.



Year 2 & Leader for Inclusion - Mrs Nicola Ewing

Hello, my name is Nicola Ewing and I am currently the Year 2 teacher and Leader for Inclusion at Upperthong J & I School. I have worked in education for over 15 years now; starting my career in early years and spending the last 10 years or so teaching in Key Stage One.  

I was born and bred in South Yorkshire and moved to the area around 3 years ago. I absolutely love village life, the countryside and feeling part of a welcoming community. It definitely rains more here though!   

I live in Marsden with my husband, my son, Lochlan, who is in Year 1, and our cat, Sadie. I also have an older son, Josh, who is 21 and lives with his girlfriend in Sheffield. In my spare time I enjoy eating out, eating in, going for walks, bike rides (with no hills), visiting the east coast, watching live music and exploring the UK in our touring caravan (Aggy).



Year 3 - Miss Sarah Wilson

Hi, my name is Sarah Wilson and I work in Reception. I trained to be a teacher in Scotland following a graphic design job and I taught year 4 there before moving back to Holmfirth to be near family... and have my own!!

I have worked in year 2 and now in Reception. I am the Early Literacy lead and run Eco schools within the school and really enjoy getting the children involved in such brilliant issues!!!

I love working in Reception and feel privileged to be part of a child’s first experience at school. I care about giving children the best Early Years education and enjoy making their learning journey a happy, exciting, challenging and settled one.

Outside of school life, I live in Holmfirth with my partner and my little boy Alfie aged 12 and my little girl Effie who is 9. I love spending time with family and friends and getting out and about. I am a creative person and like to spend time doing different crafts especially with my children. I like to keep fit running and I also love yoga!


Emma P

Year 4 Teacher - Mrs Emma Pearson




Year 5 Teacher & Deputy Head - Mr Alvyn Riley

I’m Mr. Riley and I’m in my 15th year working at Upperthong J and I. In this time I have enjoyed working in year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I have recently been appointed as deputy head and I'm looking forward to seeing what the role brings.

Before I started my teaching career, I worked as a swimming teacher, fitness instructor and played semi-professional football. In my spare time I still like to try to keep fit and be active and I play football for my local team when I can. 

I live with my wife, 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter. We love the outdoors so we often spend our weekends getting out and about on walks or bike rides.



Year 6 Teacher - Mr Tom Branston

My name is Tom Branston and I am currently teaching in Year 6. This is my 12th year of teaching, after previously working as an ETA in Year 4 and completing my GTP training at the school, and I am definitely sure I have picked the right career! I have now worked in every Key Stage 2 Class - BINGO!

I have recently moved to Kirkburton after living in Holmfirth all my life (even attending Upperthong School as a child - the headteacher's office doesn't seem so scary now!)

I love this job and all the exciting challenges and little things that come with it. 

Outside of school I love all sports and follow Manchester United with a passion, as well as playing and coaching cricket.  My other passion is music and you can often hear the sound of The Beatles in my classroom.  I think learning should always be fun and I try and make it so every single day!


Sammy White 

Mrs Samantha Elam

Hi, my name is Mrs Elam and I am the Year 6 teacher. I completed my PGCE at the University of Huddersfield and prior to that I studied a sports degree at Leeds Beckett University.

Whilst studying for my PGCE, I was lucky enough to spend 2 months on placement at Upperthong Junior and Infants. I was instantly drawn to the school’s strong sense of community and the genuine care it provides for both staff and children. I love being part of the dedicated and caring teaching team. . I have lots of favorite subjects, but I especially enjoy Math and PE.

When I get the occasional minute to myself outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, visiting new places, going out for meals, swimming and shopping.


KS1 and KS2 PPA Teacher - Mrs Suzanne Mighall


Hello, I’m Suzanne Mighall and I am one of two PPA teachers. I work part-time and currently teach in years R,1, 2 and 4 . I work within the Humanities team and am the leader for RE. I have three children Tom, Lucy & Ben, who all previously attended Upperthong school. When I’m not working I enjoy walking my little dog Milo, socialising with friends and spending quality time with my family. 


PPA Teacher - Mrs Emma Casper

Emma C

Hi, I am Emma Casper and I am one of the PPA teachers working part-time at the school. I began my teaching career in Seacroft, Leeds, before moving to the Holmfirth area to get married and continuing my career here. I have 5 children aged between 8 and 20, so did have a few years out of teaching to raise them, then loved pursuing my career once more, working in a few schools, but for the last 7 years working very locally. In my spare time I love spending time outdoors and being with my family. I love hiking and exploring new places, I also love reading- both fiction and non-fiction. I spend time doing pilates  to keep fit and relax.


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