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Welcome to Year 5!

As part of Upper Key Stage 2, Year 5 is where we begin our last couple of years of our Primary School journey. We are among the oldest children in school and take pride in setting a good example and being excellent role models to the younger pupils

Autumn Term

In the Autumn term, some of the work we do is about our local area in Geography - looking at how things have changed and how tyhey might be changing in the future. We look at the impact of change on people who live in our area.  In History we study the Anglo-Saxon finds and legacy in our country.  Our scientific exploration is into space as we find out all about the Earth, sun and moon in our solar system. Lost words inspired poetry and adventures with Beowulf fill our writing. Our sewing skills are tested to the max as we design and make a textile cover for a journal.

Spring Term

During the Spring term, scientific investigations take us into the world of materials - including how to separate different mixtures. Geography takes us off into the Alps where we look for reasons why we might take a holiday here - school trip anyone?????  In History, the Vikings descend upon us and we look into how they chose our country in which to settle.  Making links here, we have some exciting writing to produce about dragons and develop our drawing and sculpture skills in clay.  In DT we put our brains to the test as we design and make moving toys - perhaps some of our dragons will come to life!

Summer Term

Finally, during the summer term, the excitement continues with our focus on journeys - where everyday things come from and the journeys they and people make. Life cycles and changes in animals as they grow and age fill our science lessons.  In DT we are challeneged with building a strong and stable bridge.  

In addition to all of this, we continue to build on our maths skills, learn French, computing skills, sing and play instruments in music, enjoy a wide variety of games, dance and gymnastics and explore many different faiths, beliefs and values in RE and PSHE.

What a splendid year!

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