The Governing Body
The Governing Body
The Governing Body is a group of 15 volunteers – with representatives from parents, the community, the local authority and staff including the Head Teacher. We also have a professional clerk. All Governors are committed to making a positive contribution to the school and the education of all pupils.
The Governing Body is collectively responsible for:
- Ensuring clarity of the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding the head teacher to account for achievement of the School Improvement Plan - including the quality of teaching, pupil’s progress & achievement and pupil’s behaviour and safety.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its resources are managed effectively.
The Head Teacher and the Leadership Team are able to draw on our skills to support and strengthen their decision making, monitor their programme of continuous school improvement and ensure that the school fulfils all statutory obligations.
The Governing Body comprises:
Parent Governors (5) –
Sarah Shackleton-Ward Morgan Wilson, Thomas Bray, Jamie Brown and vacancy
Appointed by Parents, vacancies are advertised by the Head Teacher via the Gazette, applicants are required to submit an application form available on request.
Staff Governors (2) –
Carolyn Littlewood (Head Teacher), Alvyn Riley
Appointed by Staff, vacancies are advertised by the Head teacher to all staff
Local Authority Governors (1) –
Elizabeth Freeman
Appointed by the LA, vacancies are advertised on the Kirklees website and notified to School Governors One Stop Shop
Co-opted Governors (7) – 1 vacancy
Catherine Patel (Chair), Sarah Smith,Danielle Baldwin, Julie Harris, Andy Wilson, Jenny Holmes & Hannah Eastwood. Appoined by the Governing Body in order to continue to strengthen its broad range of skills and experience, individuals may approach or be approached by the school/Governing Body - one post is reserved for a staff member. Email address: mark correspondence ‘for the attention of the Governing Body’. Vacancies may also notified to School Governors One Stop Shop
Associate Member (at the discretion of the Governing Body) –
None currently
As part of our commitment to Safeguarding pupils, all Governor appointments are subject to checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Appointments are made with a term of office of 4 years. Some Governors then seek reappointment for subsequent terms.
The Governing Body meets 6 times a year, plus two committees meet at least once a term to discuss Resources (this includes Staffing, Finance, Premises & Health and Safety)and Standards & Effectiveness (this includes Safeguarding and Special Needs). Governors rely on reports from the Head teacher, Staff and Committees, feedback from stakeholders plus their own scheduled visits to the school. Minutes from past meetings are public documents available for anyone to read, and are kept in the school office. We do, however, maintain the right to confidentiality where appropriate. Non governors may attend meetings at the invitation of the governing body.
Should you wish to contact the Governing Body or the Chair of Governors then please use the school email address above or send a letter into school clearly addressed to the Chair of Governors.