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Year 3- Home Learning

Hello Year 3!!

Take a look at the home learning ideas I have provided for you whilst we can not be together! 

I have left you with some Maths, English and Topic ideas! All of which you can access easily in the comfort of your own home! 

Have a look at this week's Maths and English:

  • Try and remember the learning we have already done in school. 
  • Record anything you do, either in your blue book or take photos and email me them! 
  • In English be creative, impress the adults in your lives, the way you impress me everyday! 

Week 2

Week beginning 30th March:

Hello Year 3! Please see below for your work this week.

I have left you Maths, Engish and Topic work along with a special extra challenge which you can do if you so wish. I can't wait to see what you get up to this week! Thank you to anyone who has sent me their work! I have loved looking at it all! 

Keep safe! 

Miss you all. 

Miss B x

Year 3's Easter Challenge!

Hello Year 3! 

I hope you've all started your Easter holidays well! The weather is nice whilst I am writing this so hopefully it will stay around. 

I have made another challenge which links to Easter for you! There's no pressure for you to complete it, it is just there for you to do if you please! 

Now I have said it is only for year 3, however if your siblings want to join in they are very welcome to! It is only a bit of fun. 

I hope you enjoy! 

Missing you all. 


Miss B x

Week 3- Week beginning 20th April- Summer Term 1

Hello year 3! 

I hope you've all had a super Easter! I've spent time trying to get some jobs done around my house and coming up with another challenge for you to do this week; along with preparing all of this weeks work. 

I know you are all doing a super job at home and again I thank you for sharing what you are doing with me. I really do like seeing what work you come up with from what I have set. 

This week in Maths I would like you to move onto fabulous fractions, don't panic though I have tried to describe exactly what I would like you to do on the attached sheets below. We will be doing more fractions as the weeks pass by.

In English, we are moving onto writing letters. If you look below you will see a letter I have written especially for all my lovely year 3's! 

Good luck and let me know how you get on. 

Miss you more every day! 

Stay safe. 

Miss B x

Week 4- Week beginning 27th April- Summer Term 1

Hello Year 3, 

Another week has passed by and yet again I have loved recieving all your work. I am very proud of you all for working so hard. 

I hope you and your families are all safe and well and still enjoying each others company! 

I have heard from nearly everyone in our class now but if you haven't please reach out as I'd love to hear from you. 

Thank you for all of the letters I have recieved, I've had some really good ideas for upcoming chllenges so watch this space! This week I have also added some extra tasks in case you need them. 


Take care. 

Miss B x


Week 5- Week beginning 4th May 2020- Summer Term 1

Wow Year 3, I can't believe how proud you have made me feel over the past few weeks. 

I feel very priveleged to call myself your teacher. Thank you to everyone that is keeping in touch, I have loved looking through your work! 

I recieved some fantastic letters both through the post and through email and I must say you've all been very busy! 

I hope you are enjoying the work and behaving for your parents/carers! 

Keep up the fantastic work and hopefully I will see you very soon! 

Miss B x

Week 6- Week beginning 11th May 2020- Summer Term 1

Hello Year 3! 

Please see below for this weeks work. I hope you enjoy it! I have tried to make the activities as fun and as engaging as I can! 

Try your best and watch your presentation, remember I am still seeing your work! 

Keep going. 

I miss you all. 

Take Care and send me your work! 

Love Miss B x

Week 7- Week beginning- 18th May 2020- Summer Term 1


It looks like it's going to be another lovely week of weather this week year 3! So make sure you do some work, but also get some time to enjoy the sun! 

Keep up the great standard of work you are producing. 

I am so very proud of each and everyone of you. 

Miss B xx

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